Me dad's a muggle, me mum's a muggle. I'm a pureblood! (с)
Свершилось! Я рада, что у Анетт все в порядке. Сын! Сын!)

"A child is born.....
Dear blog readers and Nightwish fans:

It is for me so wonderful to tell you that yesterday, July 30th at 16.28, mine and Johans son was born;=)

He was 52 cm tall and his weight was 3930 gram.

We have tried to get him out the natural way since tuesday and used different methods, but like with my first son, I didn´t get enough strong contractions so it was decided to finally get him out through a c-section.

We all are just fine but still in the hospital where we are resting and just being so happy to have this beautiful and precious boy with us. Life is so wonderful and I am so, so happy and just floating with joy;=)

Enjoy your evening!"

Из блога Анетт

@темы: счастье стукнуло, позитивчик, аняня